October 23, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

srmklive/paypal AUTHORIZE Order with platform_fee in 2024

I need to setup paypal orders for a upcoming marketplace website (buyers, merchants and me the platform), but i fail to implement the

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Byte-Buddy android is throwing errors on android 14 java.lang.SecurityException: Writable dex file is not allowed

using Byte Buddy Android : ref offical link, never used it before. is there any tutorial available for this? code uses AndroidClassLoadingStrategy.Wrapping, which

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python rsa sign result in different library?

My goal is to have the signature results consistent with the server’s results. I’ve heard that signatures may involve randomness, which leads to

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Decrypt returns false when files exceed chunk size

I am trying to decrypt a file in chunks, but it fails. The decryption function, crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_pull, returns false. After some tests, I realized

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“Notice: Undefined variable”, “Notice: Undefined index”, “Warning: Undefined array key”, and “Notice: Undefined offset” using PHP

When I run it in browser it says Access Denied for user root, but when I checked it out, all the privileges were

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ParallelStrams with hibernate entity with lazy load with exception JdbcValuesSourceProcessingState

I have the entity PROJECT with the Child OUTPUS (relational @OneToMany). In my app, i need get more tha 50000 projects by database

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get request throws UnicodeEncodeError in Python but works well in Postman

I’m making a get request to a url to get back a json file. This works fine in postman. Converted the code to

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Webpack: Pre-compiled Library's async chunks can't be resolved properly in a separate compiled App

Problem I have a local Library that uses async imports. This Library eventually compiled to a bundle that contains entry point and async

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script tags inside DataTable table's html structure is not executed

I just found out that script tags inside DataTable table’s html structure is not executed. jQuery v3.7.1 bootstrap v5.3.3 DataTable 2.1.4 I tried

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Flutter Dropdown button form field

In my DropdownButtonFormField2 I have a validator that cannot customize the padding of the error widget with the validator assigned. So is there

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