October 23, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Hi everybody, how do I add the vercel's analytics function to my project?

I’m basically trying to add the vercel’s analitycs function to my project, but, it simply doesn’t work and i don’t know why. I

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How can I place a typedef inside a class using macros?

I have a component registry that registers components (classes/types). I’ve succeeded in making it so that the system doesn’t work if you try

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Big query multi-statement with a declare

I’m trying to UNION ALL requests (one request by quarter). I want to save this request as a view however I can’t because

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How can I apply a multi-color box shadow to my countdown component?

I’m working on a countdown component in React using Tailwind CSS and inline styles. I want to apply a multi-colored shadow effect around

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Buffer Overflow – 8 Bytes

I would like to overflow the buffer of the input_password such that the admin_password is equal to the input_password. int main() { long

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Issues with displaying the graph generated using table in outlook

I’m using the following code to generate a graph where the widths are calculated dynamically based on current and projected values, both of

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How to start qt bluetooth advertising on android

I am deverloping the qt bluetooth advertision for android . I have an issue to start adverting F libc : Fatal signal 11

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How to reuse colour palettes across multiple PHP GD canvases/images?

How can I draw and refer to the same set of colours across multiple GD canvasses? I am new to using PHP-GD for

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Http post cannot find boundary in the end

I am now implementing an easy http server in C, and I need to deal with request that posts a video file. I

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Android application doesn't save data on firebase firestore console site

I tried putting firestore using the option in Android Studio which is in "Tools" and I also tried putting it directly (putting the

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