October 23, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA


I would expect the following two queries to yield identical results; however, I have several instances where the first is empty while the

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Is it possible to rotate video chunks in javascript?

I am working on a video conferencing application and user can toggle between having their camera to be Picture-in-Picture or just on the

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XOpenDisplay fortran fails but C works fine

I found an Xlib interface to Fortran here. When I run a simple C code (creating X windows) all is well. But the

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why does the character encoding of html source code needs to match the one declared in the meta charset tag

the title very much describes the question, the html standard says explictly that the only value acceptable for meta charset tag is utf-8,

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Three.js Not Rendering Properly on Mobile in React Vite Application

I’m working on a React application using Vite and Three.js for rendering 3D elements. Everything works perfectly on desktop browsers and IOS, but

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Looking to modify Go Daddy enhanced checkout button text

I am trying to modify the go daddy enhanced checkout button text. It currently says "Pay Now" and I would like to adjust

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Creating classes in C

is this how you guys would create a "class" in C? How about an interface? I’m guessing we just use function pointers for

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how to find where my Junit4 dependency was brought in at a Maven project?

I’ve migrated my Maven project from Junit4 to Junit5, and removed this line: <junitVersion>4.9</junitVersion> from my pom.xml file. But somehow, I’m still able

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Working on Python app that uses terminal. implementing profile system to allow more user control or admin powers, I'm stumped

Ah im back again. apparently stack overflow doesnt like me sad face well nonetheless i need some help this is gonna be a

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Free GPL Team Booking – WordPress Booking and Appointment Scheduling System

Revolutionize Your Appointment Scheduling with TheBooking Looking for an innovative solution for your appointment scheduling needs? Look no further than TheBooking – formerly

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