October 24, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Place reference grid over all ImageView

My app has a single ImageView in a LinearLayout. It currently places a photo in the ImageView preserving the photo’s aspect ratio by

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when i try to install composer comes to me this error message and i am already installed xampp

when i try to install composer comes to me this error message and i am already installed xampp ,, The Composer installer script

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How to Prevent Blank Lines and Remove Extra Spaces in C Word-per-Line Output?

I’m reading K&R’s The C Programming Language and currently working on Exercise 1-12. The issue I’m facing isn’t with completing the exercise itself,

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Calculating variance in Java with arrays

I’m very new to programming and I’m having troubles calculating variance. First of all, I have file that is full of data. The

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Is it possible to build a custom tf-agent environment that return more trajectories?

I need to code a custom environment in tf-agents which run a fluid-dynamics simulation an apply action to it. I coded a basic

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Free GPL WordPress GDPR & CCPA

The All in One WP GDPR Solution We compiled the best GDPR Plugin out of all. Do not rely on multiple Plugins –

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Angular async – how to get the string of an async method

I use this service class in order to get the network status: @Injectable() export class NetworkConnectionService { constructor() { } addNetworkConnectionListener() { Network.addListener('networkStatusChange',

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Scrollbar Not Always Visible in Firefox for a Div When Idle

I have a div that contains a scrollbar, and it works fine in most browsers. The scrollbar is always visible in Chrome, Opera,

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How to get the physical address of a file in RAM?

I have found a couple of related posts: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/279729/how-to-see-information-inside-inode-data-structure https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/581323/is-it-possible-to-find-the-physical-address-of-a-file-in-disk But nothing quite answers my question. I have a process which continuously reads

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Beautifulsoup NoneType object has no attribute 'find_all'

Following this tutorial https://www.scrapingdog.com/blog/scrape-indeed-using-python/, and running into this error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Users/det-lab/Documents/PycharmProjects/Indeed_webscrape/Indeed_job_data.py", line 23, in <module> alllitags = allData.find_all("li",

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