Drag and Drop of Card in Angular Application not working using selenium C#

I am trying to perform drag and drop of card in Angular application using selenium c# using Actions class but unfortunately not working. Below is the application screenshot. [ Below is the code I am using to perform drag and drop. IWebElement source = Browser.Driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//mat-card[contains(@class,'mat-card mat-focus-indicator cdk-drag ng-star-inserted')]")); IWebElement destination = Browser.Driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//gridster[contains(@class,'dashboard-grid')]")); try { Actions builder = new Actions(Driver); IAction dragAndDrop = builder.ClickAndHold(source) .MoveToElement(destination) .Release() .Build(); dragAndDrop.Perform(); } catch (Exception E) { Console.WriteLine("Drag and Drop Unsuccessful" + E.Message); } Note: Same code is working fine in other parts of application to perform Drag and Drop

Drag and Drop of Card in Angular Application not working using selenium C#

I am trying to perform drag and drop of card in Angular application using selenium c# using Actions class but unfortunately not working.

Below is the application screenshot.

source screenshot:

Destination screenshot:

[Destination screenshot:2

Below is the code I am using to perform drag and drop.

 IWebElement source = Browser.Driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//mat-card[contains(@class,'mat-card mat-focus-indicator cdk-drag ng-star-inserted')]"));
IWebElement destination = Browser.Driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//gridster[contains(@class,'dashboard-grid')]"));

    Actions builder = new Actions(Driver);
    IAction dragAndDrop = builder.ClickAndHold(source)


catch (Exception E)
    Console.WriteLine("Drag and Drop Unsuccessful" + E.Message);

Note: Same code is working fine in other parts of application to perform Drag and Drop