
Why and when do we initialize a variable to 0? [closed]

Why and when do we initialize a variable to 0? [closed]

I'm a 2nd year undergrad pursuing CS hons and i still struggle with the basics o...

Redirect standard output to console in GUI application

Redirect standard output to console in GUI application

I have a C++ application that I compile in GUI mode, and sometimes I run it from...

What is the exact quote from the C++ Standard that states that type deduction failure on template argument deduction is not an error (SFINAE)?

What is the exact quote from the C++ Standard that stat...

The following quote from CPPreference is clear: This rule applies during overlo...

What is wrong with this line of code: expected token? [closed]

What is wrong with this line of code: expected token? [...

This is part of a C++ project. IDE marked it as: expected token )` `0` qint64 Do...

Concept to replace ref-qualifications

Concept to replace ref-qualifications

Is it possible to replace ref-qualifiers with concepts? I.e. instead of struct S...

Question regarding exporting packages in CMake

Question regarding exporting packages in CMake

i have some clarification needed to export some static libs using CMake. The two...

What's the difference between PrepareAsyncX and AsyncX in grpc?

What's the difference between PrepareAsyncX and AsyncX ...

Say I have some grpc service service FooService{ rpc Foo(FooRequest) returns(F...

Constructing a matrix whose elements are the differences between elements of a vector using the Eigen library in c++

Constructing a matrix whose elements are the difference...

Consider a vector initialized as: Eigen::Vector A ={a1, a2} I would like to eff...

C++ All Int are valid for the if statement | if(choice == 1)

C++ All Int are valid for the if statement | if(choice ...

I've got some probably simple questions: why is every Integer accepted as a val...

The program doesn't make console

The program doesn't make console

i just installed VS code on my linux mint and when i compiled that #include in...

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